Episode 01 – Meet the Family: Ashley Patton

August 11, 2021
Series: “Meet the Family”
Family: “Ashley Patton

This week we are beginning a new podcast series called “Meet the Family” where we will host members and friends from Bethel Community Church. Through these conversations we reflect on how God has been active in one another’s lives, and how He is leading into this upcoming season. Ashley’s testimony of stepping into a new community during the pandemic reminds us of God’s faithfulness, and how we can press on through the strength he provides.

Ashley Patton is the Event and Communications Coordinator at King’s University. She led as Global Point during this past year’s Upward Challenge as part of her role as Youth and Young Adult Coordinator for Dunamis Fellowship Canada.

Ashley also serves with the prayer and worship ministries at Bethel.

For more information about Upward Challenge: https://www.prmi.org/program-descriptions/upward-challenge/


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